Michael Lynne


Is Michael Lynne Dead or Still Alive? Michael Lynne Birthday and Date of Death

Michael Lynne

Michael Lynne Death

Michael passed away on March 24, 2019 at the age of 77 in New York, USA. Michael's cause of death was cancer.

Michael Lynne death quick facts:
  • When did Michael Lynne die?

    March 24, 2019
  • How did Michael Lynne die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Michael Lynne when died?

  • Where did Michael Lynne die? What was the location of death?

    New York, USA

Michael Lynne Birthday and Date of Death

Michael Lynne was born on April 23, 1941 and died on March 24, 2019. Michael was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 23, 1941
Date of Death: March 24, 2019
Age at Death: 77

Michael Lynne - Biography

Michael Lynne (born 23 April 1941 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American film executive. Michael Lynne graduated from Brooklyn College and held a Juris Doctor from Columbia University. After a chance encounter with law-school acquaintance Bob Shaye, Lynne joined New Line Cinema as outside legal counsel in the early 1980s. In 1990, he was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer of the studio. In 2001, he was named co-chairman and co-chief executive officer.
Lynne went to Columbia Law School with Shaye, and they became part of each other’s lives well before Lynne officially joined Shaye’s then-fledgling studio New Line in 1990 after working as outside counsel for the company. Shaye confirmed that Lynne had passed away and was very emotional about losing his longtime friend and partner so suddenly. Lynne is survived by his wife Ninah and daughter Elizabeth, who were by his side when he came back from the hospital to his home after taking a turn for the worse. This all happened just two weeks after Lynne’s oldest son, Jonathan, died suddenly.

In June 2008, Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne departed New Line and formed an independent film company, Unique Features.
Lynne also had been on the board of directors of Imax since 2013. A major collector of contemporary art, he also became an owner of the vineyard Bedell Cellars, bought years ago and operated in Cutchogue, Long Island, where he would show some of his work.