Milton Parsons


Is Milton Parsons Dead or Still Alive? Milton Parsons Birthday and Date of Death

Milton Parsons

Milton Parsons Death

Milton passed away on May 15, 1980 at the age of 75.

Milton Parsons death quick facts:
  • When did Milton Parsons die?

    May 15, 1980
  • How old was Milton Parsons when died?


Milton Parsons Birthday and Date of Death

Milton Parsons was born on May 19, 1904 and died on May 15, 1980. Milton was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 19, 1904
Date of Death: May 15, 1980
Age at Death: 75

Milton Parsons - Biography

BiographyBald, cadaverous, hollow-eyed, doom-voiced actor Milton Parsons began appearing in films in the late 1930s. In an era wherein being typecast in Hollywood assured an actor a steady paycheck, Parsons fattened his bank account by playing dozens of undertakers and morticians. He was also an effective psychotic type, most notably as the lead in 1942's The Hidden Hand. Parsons entered the "film noir" hall of fame in the tiny role of the jury foreman in 1947's They Won't Believe Me; the film's unforgettable final image was a screen-filling close-up of Parsons, gloomily intoning an all-too-late "Not Guilty." Active into the 1970s, Parsons showed up in TV series ranging from Twilight Zone to The Dick Van Dyke Show, his morbid appearance enhanced by the addition of a satanic goatee. Even in his last roles, Milton Parsons adhered strictly to type; in the 1976 TV movie Griffin and Phoenix, for example, he portrayed a guest lecturer at a support group for terminally ill cancer victims.