Octávio Mobiglia


Is Octávio Mobiglia Dead or Still Alive? Octávio Mobiglia Birthday and Date of Death

Octávio Mobiglia

Octávio Mobiglia Death

Octávio passed away on March 3, 2015 at the age of 91.

Octávio Mobiglia death quick facts:
  • When did Octávio Mobiglia die?

    March 3, 2015
  • How old was Octávio Mobiglia when died?


Octávio Mobiglia Birthday and Date of Death

Octávio Mobiglia was born on April 9, 1923 and died on March 3, 2015. Octávio was 91 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 9, 1923
Date of Death: March 3, 2015
Age at Death: 91

Octávio Mobiglia - Biography

Octávio Mobiglia (April 9, 1931 – March 2015) was an Olympic breaststroke swimmer from Brazil, who participated at two Summer Olympics for his native country. He was born in Ribeirão Preto. At the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki, he swam the 200-metre breaststroke, not reaching the finals. At the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, he swam the 200-metre breaststroke, not reaching the finals, being disqualified.