Ogden Nash


Is Ogden Nash Dead or Still Alive? Ogden Nash Birthday and Date of Death

Ogden Nash

Ogden Nash Death

Ogden passed away on May 19, 1971 at the age of 68 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Ogden Nash death quick facts:
  • When did Ogden Nash die?

    May 19, 1971
  • How old was Ogden Nash when died?

  • Where did Ogden Nash die? What was the location of death?

    Baltimore, Maryland

Ogden Nash Birthday and Date of Death

Ogden Nash was born on August 19, 1902 and died on May 19, 1971. Ogden was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 19, 1902
Date of Death: May 19, 1971
Age at Death: 68

Is Ogden Nash's father, Edmund Nash, dead or alive?

Edmund Nash's information is not available now.

Is Ogden Nash's mother, Mattie Nash, dead or alive?

Mattie Nash's information is not available now.

Ogden Nash - Biography

Frederic Ogden Nash was an American poet well known for his light verse. At the time of his death in 1971, The New York Times said his "droll verse with its unconventional rhymes made him the country's best-known producer of humorous poetry". Nash wrote over 500 pieces of comic verse. The best of his work was published in 14 volumes between 1931 and 1972.