Otto Preminger


Is Otto Preminger Dead or Still Alive? Otto Preminger Birthday and Date of Death

Otto Preminger

Otto Preminger Death

Otto passed away on April 23, 1986 at the age of 79 in New York, NY. Otto's cause of death was lung cancer and alzheimer`s disease.

Otto Preminger death quick facts:
  • When did Otto Preminger die?

    April 23, 1986
  • How did Otto Preminger die? What was the cause of death?

    Lung cancer and alzheimer`s disease
  • How old was Otto Preminger when died?

  • Where did Otto Preminger die? What was the location of death?

    New York, NY

Otto Preminger Birthday and Date of Death

Otto Preminger was born on December 5, 1906 and died on April 23, 1986. Otto was 79 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 5, 1906
Date of Death: April 23, 1986
Age at Death: 79

Otto Preminger - Biography

Otto Ludwig Preminger (5 December 1905 – 23 April 1986) was an Austrian American theatre and film director. He is known for directing over 35 feature films in a five-decade career after leaving the theatre. He first gained attention for film noir mysteries such as Laura (1944) and Fallen Angel (1945), while in the 1950s and '60s, he directed a number of high-profile adaptations of popular novels and stage works. Several of these later films pushed the boundaries of censorship by dealing with topics which were then taboo in Hollywood, such as drug addiction (The Man with the Golden Arm, 1955), rape (Anatomy of a Murder, 1959) and homosexuality (Advise & Consent, 1962). He was twice nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director. He also had a few acting roles.