Paul Bildt Death
Paul passed away on March 13, 1957 at the age of 71 in Berlin,Germany. Paul's cause of death was heart failure.
Paul Bildt death quick facts:
When did Paul Bildt die?
March 13, 1957How did Paul Bildt die? What was the cause of death?
Heart failureHow old was Paul Bildt when died?
71Where did Paul Bildt die? What was the location of death?
Paul Bildt Birthday and Date of Death
Paul Bildt was born on May 19, 1885 and died on March 13, 1957. Paul was 71 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 19, 1885
Date of Death: March 13, 1957
Age at Death: 71
Is Paul Bildt's father, Ferdinand Wilhelm Bildt, dead or alive?
Ferdinand Wilhelm Bildt's information is not available now.
Is Paul Bildt's mother, Auguste Marie Bildt, dead or alive?
Auguste Marie Bildt's information is not available now.
Paul Bildt - Biography
Paul Hermann Bildt was a German film actor. He appeared in more than 180 films between 1910 and 1956. He was born and died in Berlin, Germany.