R. Budd Dwyer


Is R. Budd Dwyer Dead or Still Alive? R. Budd Dwyer Birthday and Date of Death

R. Budd Dwyer

R. Budd Dwyer Death

R passed away on January 22, 1987 at the age of 47 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. R's cause of death was shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver.

R. Budd Dwyer death quick facts:
  • When did R. Budd Dwyer die?

    January 22, 1987
  • How did R. Budd Dwyer die? What was the cause of death?

    Shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver
  • How old was R. Budd Dwyer when died?

  • Where did R. Budd Dwyer die? What was the location of death?

    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

R. Budd Dwyer Birthday and Date of Death

R. Budd Dwyer was born on November 21, 1939 and died on January 22, 1987. R was 47 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 21, 1939
Date of Death: January 22, 1987
Age at Death: 47

R. Budd Dwyer - Biography

Robert Budd Dwyer (November 21, 1939 – January 22, 1987) was an American politician in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He served from 1971 to 1981 as a Republican member of the Pennsylvania State Senate representing the state's 50th district. He served as the 30th Treasurer of Pennsylvania from January 20, 1981 to January 22, 1987. On that day, Dwyer called a news conference in the Pennsylvania state capital of Harrisburg where he killed himself in front of the gathered reporters with a .357 caliber revolver. Dwyer's suicide was broadcast later that day to a wide television audience across the state of Pennsylvania.