Raimund Harmstorf


Is Raimund Harmstorf Dead or Still Alive? Raimund Harmstorf Birthday and Date of Death

Raimund Harmstorf

Raimund Harmstorf Death

Raimund passed away on May 3, 1998 at the age of 58.

Raimund Harmstorf death quick facts:
  • When did Raimund Harmstorf die?

    May 3, 1998
  • How old was Raimund Harmstorf when died?


Raimund Harmstorf Birthday and Date of Death

Raimund Harmstorf was born on October 7, 1939 and died on May 3, 1998. Raimund was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 7, 1939
Date of Death: May 3, 1998
Age at Death: 58

Raimund Harmstorf - Biography

Raimund Harmstorf (7 October 1939 in Hamburg – 3 May 1998 in Marktoberdorf) was a German actor. He became famous as the protagonist of a German TV mini series based on Jack London's the Sea-Wolf (which was sold into many countries) and starred later on successfully in another German TV series based on Jules Verne's Michael Strogoff.