Rita Owens


Is Rita Owens Dead or Still Alive? Rita Owens Birthday and Date of Death

Rita Owens

Rita Owens Death

Rita passed away on March 21, 2018. Rita's cause of death was Congestive heart failure.

Rita Owens death quick facts:
  • When did Rita Owens die?

    March 21, 2018
  • How did Rita Owens die? What was the cause of death?

    Congestive heart failure
  • How old was Rita Owens when died?


Rita Owens Birthday and Date of Death

Rita Owens died on March 21, 2018.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: March 21, 2018
Age at Death: -

Rita Owens - Biography

Rita Owens was an actress, known for The Cookout (2004), Living Single (1993) and The Cookout 2 (2011). She died on March 21, 2018. Latifah’s mother, Rita Owens, died on Wednesday after struggling with a heart condition for more than a decade.
“It is with a heavy heart that I share the news my mother, Rita Owens passed away today,” says Latifah. “Anyone that has ever met her knows what a bright light she was on this earth. She was gentle, but strong, sweet, but sassy, worldy but pragmatic, a woman of great faith and certainly the love of my life.”

“She had struggled with a heart condition for many years and her battle is now over,” Latifah shares. “I am heartbroken but know she is at peace. Thank you for your kindness, support and respect for our privacy at this time. Much Love, Dana Owens (aka Queen Latif‎ah), forever Rita Owens’ daughter.”