Robert Wells


Is Robert Wells Dead or Still Alive? Robert Wells Birthday and Date of Death

Robert Wells

Robert Wells Death

Robert passed away on September 23, 1998 at the age of 75 in Santa Monica, California, USA. Robert's cause of death was natural causes.

Robert Wells death quick facts:
  • When did Robert Wells die?

    September 23, 1998
  • How did Robert Wells die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Robert Wells when died?

  • Where did Robert Wells die? What was the location of death?

    Santa Monica, California, USA

Robert Wells Birthday and Date of Death

Robert Wells was born on October 15, 1922 and died on September 23, 1998. Robert was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 15, 1922
Date of Death: September 23, 1998
Age at Death: 75

Robert Wells - Biography

Robert Wells (October 15, 1922 – September 28, 1998) was an American songwriter, composer, script writer and television producer. During his early career, he collaborated with singer and songwriter Mel Tormé, writing several hit songs, most notably "The Christmas Song" in 1945. Later, he became a prolific writer and producer for television, for such shows as The Dinah Shore Chevy Show, as well as for numerous variety specials, such as If They Could See Me Now starring Shirley MacLaine. He was nominated for several Academy Awards and won six Emmys and a Peabody Award.