Roberto Gómez Bolaños


Is Roberto Gómez Bolaños Dead or Still Alive? Roberto Gómez Bolaños Birthday and Date of Death

Roberto Gómez Bolaños

Roberto Gómez Bolaños Death

Roberto passed away on November 28, 2014 at the age of 85 in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Roberto's cause of death was heart failure as a complication of parkinson's disease.

Roberto Gómez Bolaños death quick facts:
  • When did Roberto Gómez Bolaños die?

    November 28, 2014
  • How did Roberto Gómez Bolaños die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart failure as a complication of parkinson's disease
  • How old was Roberto Gómez Bolaños when died?

  • Where did Roberto Gómez Bolaños die? What was the location of death?

    Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Roberto Gómez Bolaños Birthday and Date of Death

Roberto Gómez Bolaños was born on February 21, 1929 and died on November 28, 2014. Roberto was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 21, 1929
Date of Death: November 28, 2014
Age at Death: 85

Roberto Gómez Bolaños - Biography

Roberto Gómez Bolaños (21 February 1929 – 28 November 2014), more commonly known by his pseudonym Chespirito, or "Little Shakespeare" was a Mexican screenwriter, actor, comedian, film director, television director, playwright, songwriter, and author. He is widely regarded as the most important Latin and Spanish-language humorist of all time.