Roy Williams


Is Roy Williams Dead or Still Alive? Roy Williams Birthday and Date of Death

Roy Williams

Roy Williams Death

Roy passed away on November 7, 1976 at the age of 69.

Roy Williams death quick facts:
  • When did Roy Williams die?

    November 7, 1976
  • How old was Roy Williams when died?


Roy Williams Birthday and Date of Death

Roy Williams was born on June 30, 1907 and died on November 7, 1976. Roy was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 30, 1907
Date of Death: November 7, 1976
Age at Death: 69

Roy Williams - Biography

Roy Williams, best known as "Roy" on The Mickey Mouse Club (1955), was born Joseph Roy Williams in Colville, Washington, on July 30, 1907. His family moved to Los Angeles in 1920 after his father died and lived with his grandmother. In 1925 he was hired by the animation studio Hyperion Studios, which began his lifelong association with the legendary Walt Disney. Disney sent him to the prestigious Choinnard Art Institute, and after graduation hired him as an artist. He worked his way up into the Art Department, eventually becoming an animator.In the 1950s Disney moved him out of the Art Department and assigned him as a storyboard artist for its upcoming childrens show "The Mickey Mouse Club". Walt Disney himself picked Roy to be co-host, with Jimmie Dodd, of the show because, even though he was big and heavy, he was warm and gentle and very good with children, who took to him right away.In addition to his co-hosting duties, Roy was also one of those who picked the children who would appear on the show after they were screened by the casting directors (for the first season, anyway; in the later seasons he wasn't). His skill as a sketch artist was incorporated into the show, and was used in many of the show's story lines.When the series was finally canceled, all of the cast members were let go except Roy. He appeared on-camera occasionally in Disney specials and showed up at various Disneyland parades, but health issues cut down on those appearances. He finally retired in the 1970s, after almost 50 years with the Disney organization.He died on November 7, 1976.