Rudi Gernreich


Is Rudi Gernreich Dead or Still Alive? Rudi Gernreich Birthday and Date of Death

Rudi Gernreich

Rudi Gernreich Death

Rudi passed away on April 21, 1985 at the age of 62.

Rudi Gernreich death quick facts:
  • When did Rudi Gernreich die?

    April 21, 1985
  • How old was Rudi Gernreich when died?


Rudi Gernreich Birthday and Date of Death

Rudi Gernreich was born on August 8, 1922 and died on April 21, 1985. Rudi was 62 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 8, 1922
Date of Death: April 21, 1985
Age at Death: 62

Rudi Gernreich - Biography

Rudolf "Rudi" Gernreich (August 8, 1922 – April 21, 1985) was an Austrian-born gay Jewish American fashion designer whose avant-garde clothing designs are generally regarded as the most innovative and dynamic fashion of the 1960s. He purposefully used fashion design as a social statement to advance sexual freedom, producing clothes that followed the natural form of the female body, freeing them from the constraints of high fashion.