Sachiko Chiba


Is Sachiko Chiba Dead or Still Alive? Sachiko Chiba Birthday and Date of Death

Sachiko Chiba

Sachiko Chiba Death

Tsuruko passed away on October 22, 1993 at the age of 82.

Sachiko Chiba death quick facts:
  • When did Sachiko Chiba die?

    October 22, 1993
  • How old was Sachiko Chiba when died?


Sachiko Chiba Birthday and Date of Death

Sachiko Chiba was born on February 16, 1911 and died on October 22, 1993. Tsuruko was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 16, 1911
Date of Death: October 22, 1993
Age at Death: 82

Sachiko Chiba - Biography

Actress Sachiko Chiba was born to an upper-class family as Tsuruko Chiba. She learned to play koto and other musical instruments growing up and even traveled to the United States Of America to showcase her skills with the former instruments. Most directors treated her kindly, except Naruse Mikio, who at one point on the set of Tsuma Yo Bara No Yô Ni even made her cry. Women being what they are she ended up marrying the man who put her acting down less than two years later. Her mother asked Naruse to join her family as opposed to the other way around. Moreover, due to differences in classes and a clash between Chiba's mother and Naruse the differences continued and culminated in a divorce. Naruse, nonetheless, suggested they remarry if Chiba's mother dies. In the meanwhile, acquiescing to her mother's wishes she quit the acting profession and instead managed a high-end restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo called Kicchouso.