How Old Is Sakis Rouvas? Sakis Rouvas Birthday
Sakis Rouvas was born on January 5, 1972 and is 52 years old now.
Birthday: January 5, 1972
How Old - Age: 52
Sakis Rouvas Death Fact Check
Sakis is alive and kicking and is currently 52 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Sakis Rouvas's father, Kostas Rouvas, dead or alive?
Kostas Rouvas's information is not available now.
Is Sakis Rouvas's mother, Anna-Maria Panaretou, dead or alive?
Anna-Maria Panaretou's information is not available now.
Sakis Rouvas's brothers :
Sakis has 3 brothers:- Apostolos Rouvas
- Vasilis Rouvas
- Nikos Rouvas
Sakis Rouvas's pet, dead or alive?
- Maya (dog- Cane Corso) [2012]
Sakis Rouvas - Biography
Anastasios "Sakis" Rouvas, known mononymously as Sakis, is a Greek recording, film and television artist; model; businessman and former pole vaulter. Born in Corfu, he won medals on the national athletics team during the 1980s. Rouvas began a musical career in 1991 as one of Greece's first pop performers, popularizing Western music. His tenor vocals, complex choreography, costumes, and technological advancements have been credited with transforming music videos and live performances. Rouvas is noted for avoiding domestic music, attaining success for a non-laïko or -éntekhno artist, and for breaking cultural, social, artistic, and generational barriers in Greece and Cyprus.