Sandra Elaine Allen


Is Sandra Elaine Allen Dead or Still Alive? Sandra Elaine Allen Birthday and Date of Death

Sandra Elaine Allen

Sandra Elaine Allen Death

Sandra passed away on August 13, 2008 at the age of 53 in Shelbyville, Indiana, United States.

Sandra Elaine Allen death quick facts:
  • When did Sandra Elaine Allen die?

    August 13, 2008
  • How old was Sandra Elaine Allen when died?

  • Where did Sandra Elaine Allen die? What was the location of death?

    Shelbyville, Indiana, United States

Sandra Elaine Allen Birthday and Date of Death

Sandra Elaine Allen was born on June 18, 1955 and died on August 13, 2008. Sandra was 53 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 18, 1955
Date of Death: August 13, 2008
Age at Death: 53

Sandra Elaine Allen - Biography

Sandra Elaine "Sandy" Allen (June 18, 1955 – August 13, 2008) was a U.S. woman recognized as the tallest woman during her life according to Guinness World Records. She was 7'7(231 cm) in height.
Allen wrote a book, Cast A Giant Shadow, and appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records since 1976. Although over the years other women have taken over the title, Allen had held it for the last sixteen years of her life. Her height was due to a tumor in her pituitary gland that caused it to release growth hormone uncontrollably. At the age of twenty-two years, she underwent surgery for the condition. Lacking this procedure, Allen would have continued to grow and suffer further medical problems associated with gigantism.

The Indianapolis Star reported that Allen's friend and caretaker, Linda Fox, as saying that Allen had been suffering from kidney failure (due to diabetic complication) and blood infections; Allen died on August 13, 2008. A scholarship has since been dedicated in her name at Shelbyville High School.