Sandra Gould


Is Sandra Gould Dead or Still Alive? Sandra Gould Birthday and Date of Death

Sandra Gould

Sandra Gould Death

Sandra passed away on July 20, 1999 at the age of 82 in Burbank, California, USA. Sandra's cause of death was following heart sugery.

Sandra Gould death quick facts:
  • When did Sandra Gould die?

    July 20, 1999
  • How did Sandra Gould die? What was the cause of death?

    Following heart sugery
  • How old was Sandra Gould when died?

  • Where did Sandra Gould die? What was the location of death?

    Burbank, California, USA

Sandra Gould Birthday and Date of Death

Sandra Gould was born on July 23, 1916 and died on July 20, 1999. Sandra was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 23, 1916
Date of Death: July 20, 1999
Age at Death: 82

Sandra Gould - Biography

Sandra Gould (July 23, 1916 – July 20, 1999) was an American actress who appeared mainly in television roles. Among her many credits was a regular role as Gladys Kravitz on the sitcom Bewitched debuting in the third season.