Sandra Mozarowsky


Is Sandra Mozarowsky Dead or Still Alive? Sandra Mozarowsky Birthday and Date of Death

Sandra Mozarowsky

Sandra Mozarowsky Death

Sandra passed away on September 14, 1977 at the age of 18 in Madrid, Spain. Sandra's cause of death was injury complications (after a fall from her fourth-floor balcony).

Sandra Mozarowsky death quick facts:
  • When did Sandra Mozarowsky die?

    September 14, 1977
  • How did Sandra Mozarowsky die? What was the cause of death?

    Injury complications (after a fall from her fourth-floor balcony)
  • How old was Sandra Mozarowsky when died?

  • Where did Sandra Mozarowsky die? What was the location of death?

    Madrid, Spain

Sandra Mozarowsky Birthday and Date of Death

Sandra Mozarowsky was born on October 17, 1958 and died on September 14, 1977. Sandra was 18 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 17, 1958
Date of Death: September 14, 1977
Age at Death: 18

Sandra Mozarowsky - Biography

Sandra Mozarowsky (17 October 1958 - 14 September 1977) was a Spanish actress. Her acting career started in 1969 and lasted until her death in 1977; she starred in films including La noche de las gaviotas (Night of the Seagulls), and Beatriz.