Shelley R. Bonus


Is Shelley R. Bonus Dead or Still Alive? Shelley R. Bonus Birthday and Age

Shelley R. Bonus

How Old Is Shelley R. Bonus? Shelley R. Bonus Birthday

Shelley R. Bonus was born on March 28, 2017 and is 7 years old now.

Birthday: March 28, 2017
How Old - Age: 7

Shelley R. Bonus Death Fact Check

Shelley is alive and kicking and is currently 7 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Shelley R. Bonus - Biography

As interesting as her life was up until this point, it got more interesting in the late 1960's. SHELLEY was married to comedian Richard Pryor from 1967 to 1970. Their daughter, Rain Pryor, went on to be a regular on the ABC hit series HEAD OF THE CLASS and starred in the SHOWTIME series RUDE AWAKENING. Rain is also an author and the creator of the award-winning one-woman show based on her life, FRIED CHICKEN AND LATKAS. SHELLEY danced for several more years. She then changed careers to work as a circus clown, becoming the first woman hired for that role at Circus Vargas. She also changed the spelling of her last name from Bonis to Bonus "because she just had to be different", as her daughter relates.In the boldest career move of any of the GAZZARRI ladies, SHELLEY tells us in her own words why she made the transition from go-go dancer/flower child/social activist to professional astronomer: "... I was always fascinated with trying to understand what I was looking at, when I was looking up at the sky. At the urging of my mentor, the filmmaker Melvin Van Peebles, I went back to school and became an astronomer". Today she is highly respected in her field and working in southern California at the Mt. Wilson Observatory 60-inch telescope where she is currently the Session Director. She has earned numerous accolades as an astronomical historian and lecturer and has taught on the subject at UCLA. In 1981 famed comet hunter, Carolyn Shoemaker, discovered an asteroid, subsequentally named 10028. Recently it was renamed "Bonus 10028" by the International Astronomical Union in honor of SHELLEY'S work in the field. SHELLEY is the creator of the "Janet Planet Planetarium Show" and the "Blast Off with Space E. Tracy" show which are fun and fact filled productions for audiences of all ages about astronomy. You can find much more about her fascinating career by googling her name on the internet.