Shlomo Baum Death
Shlomo passed away on January 17, 1999 at the age of 70 in Jerusalem, Israel.
Shlomo Baum death quick facts:
When did Shlomo Baum die?
January 17, 1999How old was Shlomo Baum when died?
70Where did Shlomo Baum die? What was the location of death?
Jerusalem, Israel
Shlomo Baum Birthday and Date of Death
Shlomo Baum was born in 1929 and died on January 17, 1999. Shlomo was 70 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1929
Date of Death: January 17, 1999
Age at Death: 70
Shlomo Baum - Biography
Shlomo Baum (1929 – January 17, 1999) was an Israeli military commando fighter. He was one of the founders of Unit 101 of the Israel Defense Forces, where he served as Ariel Sharon's deputy in command.