Shlomo Shamir


Is Shlomo Shamir Dead or Still Alive? Shlomo Shamir Birthday and Date of Death

Shlomo Shamir

Shlomo Shamir Death

Shlomo passed away on May 19, 2009 at the age of 93 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Shlomo Shamir death quick facts:
  • When did Shlomo Shamir die?

    May 19, 2009
  • How old was Shlomo Shamir when died?

  • Where did Shlomo Shamir die? What was the location of death?

    Tel Aviv, Israel

Shlomo Shamir Birthday and Date of Death

Shlomo Shamir was born on June 15, 1915 and died on May 19, 2009. Shlomo was 93 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 15, 1915
Date of Death: May 19, 2009
Age at Death: 93

Shlomo Shamir - Biography

Shlomo Shamir (15 June 1915 – 19 May 2009) was the third Commander of the Israeli Navy (1949–1950), and the first Israeli Navy Commander to receive the rank of Aluf. He was the third Commander of the Israeli Air Force (1950–1951).