Shorty Rogers Death
Shorty passed away on November 7, 1994 at the age of 70.
Shorty Rogers death quick facts:
When did Shorty Rogers die?
November 7, 1994How old was Shorty Rogers when died?
Shorty Rogers Birthday and Date of Death
Shorty Rogers was born on April 14, 1924 and died on November 7, 1994. Shorty was 70 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 14, 1924
Date of Death: November 7, 1994
Age at Death: 70
Shorty Rogers - Biography
Milton "Shorty" Rogers (April 14, 1924 – November 7, 1994) was one of the principal creators of West Coast jazz. He played both the trumpet and flugelhorn, and was in demand for his skills as an arranger.