Si Johnson


Is Si Johnson Dead or Still Alive? Si Johnson Birthday and Date of Death

Si Johnson

Si Johnson Death

Silas passed away on May 12, 1994 at the age of 87 in Sheridan, IL.

Si Johnson death quick facts:
  • When did Si Johnson die?

    May 12, 1994
  • How old was Si Johnson when died?

  • Where did Si Johnson die? What was the location of death?

    Sheridan, IL

Si Johnson Birthday and Date of Death

Si Johnson was born on October 5, 1906 and died on May 12, 1994. Silas was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 5, 1906
Date of Death: May 12, 1994
Age at Death: 87

Si Johnson - Biography

Silas Kenneth Johnson (October 5, 1906 – May 12, 1994) was an American professional baseball player, a right-handed pitcher who appeared in 492 Major League games pitched over 17 seasons for the Cincinnati Reds (1928–36), St. Louis Cardinals (1936–38), Philadelphia Phillies (1940–43 and 1946) and Boston Braves (1946–47). He was born in Danway, near Ottawa, Illinois.