Sulabha Deshpande


Is Sulabha Deshpande Dead or Still Alive? Sulabha Deshpande Birthday and Date of Death

Sulabha Deshpande

Sulabha Deshpande Death

Sulabha Deshpande passed away on June 4, 2016.

Sulabha Deshpande death quick facts:
  • When did Sulabha Deshpande die?

    June 4, 2016
  • How old was Sulabha Deshpande when died?


Sulabha Deshpande Birthday and Date of Death

Sulabha Deshpande died on June 4, 2016.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: June 4, 2016
Age at Death: -

Sulabha Deshpande - Biography

Sulabha (or Sulbha) Deshpande (Marathi: सुलभा देशपांडे; born 1937) is an acclaimed Indian film, theatre and television actress and theatre director. Apart from Marathi theatre as well as Hindi theatre in Mumbai, she has acted in over 73 movies mainstream Bollywood as well as art house cinema, like Bhumika (1977), Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan (1978) and Gaman (1978) as a character actor, apart from numerous TV series and plays. A leading figure in experimental theatre movement of the 1960s, she was associated with Rangayan, and personalities like Vijay Tendulkar, Vijaya Mehta, and Satyadev Dubey. In 1971 she co-founded, theatre group, Awishkar with her husband Arvind Deshpande, and also started its children's wing, Chandrashala, which continues to perform professional children theatre.