Tariq Aziz Death
Tariq passed away on June 5, 2015 at the age of 79.
When did Tariq Aziz die?
June 5, 2015How old was Tariq Aziz when died?
Tariq Aziz Birthday and Date of Death
Tariq Aziz was born on April 28, 1936 and died on June 5, 2015. Tariq was 79 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 28, 1936
Date of Death: June 5, 2015
Age at Death: 79
Tariq Aziz - Biography
Tariq Aziz (Arabic: طارق عزيز Ṭāriq ʿAzīz, born Mikhail Yuhanna, Syriac: ܡܝܟܐܝܠ ܝܘܚܢܢ Mīḵāil Yōḥānon, Arabic: ميخائيل يوحنا Mīḫāʾīl Yūḥannā, baptized Manuel Christo; 28 April 1936 – 5 June 2015) was an Iraqi Foreign Minister (1983–1991) and Deputy Prime Minister (1979–2003) and a close advisor of President Saddam Hussein. Their association began in the 1950s when both were activists for the then-banned Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. Although he was an Arab nationalist he was in fact an ethnic Assyrian, and a member of the Chaldean Catholic Church.