Thomas Walsh


Is Thomas Walsh Dead or Still Alive? Thomas Walsh Birthday and Date of Death

Thomas Walsh

Thomas Walsh Death

Thomas passed away on October 21, 1984 at the age of 76 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA.

Thomas Walsh death quick facts:
  • When did Thomas Walsh die?

    October 21, 1984
  • How old was Thomas Walsh when died?

  • Where did Thomas Walsh die? What was the location of death?

    Danbury, Connecticut, USA

Thomas Walsh Birthday and Date of Death

Thomas Walsh was born on September 19, 1908 and died on October 21, 1984. Thomas was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 19, 1908
Date of Death: October 21, 1984
Age at Death: 76

Thomas Walsh - Biography

Thomas Walsh was born on September 19, 1908 in New York, New York, USA. He was a writer and actor, known for Union Station (1950), Pushover (1954) and Don't Turn 'em Loose (1936). He died on October 21, 1984 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA.Trivia (2) Worked sporadically as a pulp fiction writer. He had 6 crime stories appear in Black Mask from 1933-1936. A story of his was part of a Black Mask anthology published in 1946 as 'The Hard Boiled Omnibus.'Thomas Walsh was awarded the Edgar Allan Poe Award by the Mystery Writers of America as the Best First Mystery of 1950 for Nightmare In Manhattan (the first of eleven novels). It was filmed as Union Station the same year.Other works Story: "Sentence of Death" (filmed as "Studio One in Hollywood: Sentence of Death (#5.46)" (1953))(????) Story: "Homecoming" (filmed as Don't Turn 'em Loose (1936)).(????) Story: "Always Open and Shut" (filmed as "Schlitz Playhouse: Always Open and Shut (#6.45)" (1957), "Studio 57: Always Open and Shut (#3.25)" (1957)).(1958) Novel: "The Action of the Tiger".(1964) Novel: "To Hide a Rogue".(1956) Novel: "The Dark Window".(1959) Novel: "Dangerous Passenger".(1967) Novel: "The Face of the Enemy".(1966) Novel: "The Resurrection Man".(1965) Novel: "The Tenth Point".(1950) Novel: "Nightmare in Manhatan" (filmed as Union Station (1950)). NOTE: Won the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America for Best First Mystery.(1961) Novel: "The Eye of the Needle".(1952) Novel: "The Night Watch" (filmed as Pushover (1954)).(1962) Novel: "A Thief in the Night".(????) Story: "Husk" (filmed as We're Only Human (1935)).