Toivo Mäkelä Death
Toivo passed away on April 20, 1979 at the age of 69 in Helsinki, Finland.
Toivo Mäkelä death quick facts:
When did Toivo Mäkelä die?
April 20, 1979How old was Toivo Mäkelä when died?
69Where did Toivo Mäkelä die? What was the location of death?
Helsinki, Finland
Toivo Mäkelä Birthday and Date of Death
Toivo Mäkelä was born on September 26, 1909 and died on April 20, 1979. Toivo was 69 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: September 26, 1909
Date of Death: April 20, 1979
Age at Death: 69
Toivo Mäkelä - Biography
Toivo Mäkelä (26 September 1909 – 20 April 1979) was a Finnish film actor, appearing in 54 films between 1951 and 1979. He won a Jussi Award for Best Actor in 1978 and was awarded a Pro Finlandia medal in 1960.