Umit Yesin


Is Umit Yesin Dead or Still Alive? Umit Yesin Birthday and Date of Death

Umit Yesin

Umit Yesin Death

Umit passed away on March 19, 2019 at the age of 65 in Istanbul, Turkey. Umit's cause of death was heart disease.

Umit Yesin death quick facts:
  • When did Umit Yesin die?

    March 19, 2019
  • How did Umit Yesin die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart disease
  • How old was Umit Yesin when died?

  • Where did Umit Yesin die? What was the location of death?

    Istanbul, Turkey

Umit Yesin Birthday and Date of Death

Umit Yesin was born on January 28, 1954 and died on March 19, 2019. Umit was 65 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 28, 1954
Date of Death: March 19, 2019
Age at Death: 65

Umit Yesin - Biography

Umit Yesin was a Turkish theater, film and series actor. He has worked in various organizations like Müjdat Gezen Theater and Tiyatrokare. Flower Taxi series reached a large audience. He is an actor and assistant director, known for Saban Pabucu Yarim (1985), Umutsuzlar (1986) and Ferman (1988).
Umit Yesin was born on 28 January 1954 in Ankara. He had a childhood in Istanbul-Ankara. In 1969 they moved to Istanbul. After finishing primary and secondary school in Ankara, he completed his high school education in İstanbul. He completed his high school and conservatory education in Istanbul. In 1970, he started acting as an amateur at Bakırköy Community Center. Later, he continued professionally in the Bakırköy Comedy Theater owned by Üstün Asutay. He was later encouraged to enter the conservatory by the great master Muammer Karaca.

In 1989, he played the role of Kabak Hafiz in the television series "Hanımın Ranch", playing in the television series "Hanim's Farm". He starred with the stone.
Umit Yesin married actress Evin Esen. After being married for a long time, they divorced in 2011.