Vanessa Redgrave


Is Vanessa Redgrave Dead or Still Alive? Vanessa Redgrave Birthday and Age

Vanessa Redgrave

How Old Is Vanessa Redgrave? Vanessa Redgrave Birthday

Vanessa Redgrave was born on January 30, 1937 and is 87 years old now.

Birthday: January 30, 1937
How Old - Age: 87

Vanessa Redgrave Death Fact Check

Vanessa is alive and kicking and is currently 87 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Vanessa Redgrave's father, Michael Redgrave, dead or alive?

Vanessa Redgrave's father, Michael Redgrave, died on March 21, 1985 as he was 77 years old. His cause of death was parkinsons disease.

Is Vanessa Redgrave's mother, Rachel Kempson, dead or alive?

Vanessa Redgrave's mother, Rachel Kempson, died on May 24, 2003 as she was 92 years old. Her cause of death was natural causes.

Vanessa Redgrave's sister :

  • Vanessa Redgrave's sister, Lynn Redgrave, died on May 2, 2010 as he was 67 years old. His cause of death was breast cancer.

Vanessa Redgrave's brother :

  • Vanessa Redgrave's brother, Corin Redgrave, died on April 6, 2010 as he was 70 years old. His cause of death was prostate cancer.

Vanessa Redgrave - Biography

Vanessa Redgrave, is an English actress of stage, screen and television, as well as a political activist. She is a 2003 American Theatre Hall of Fame inductee, and received the 2010 BAFTA Fellowship.