Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai


Is Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai Dead or Still Alive? Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai Birthday and Date of Death

Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai

Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai Death

Villayil passed away in 1981 at the age of 66 in Singapore.

Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai death quick facts:
  • When did Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai die?

  • How old was Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai when died?

  • Where did Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai die? What was the location of death?


Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai Birthday and Date of Death

Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai was born in 1915 and died in 1981. Villayil was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1915
Date of Death: 1981
Age at Death: 66

Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai - Biography

Villayil Raman Gopala Pillai (1915-1981), better known as V. R. Gopala Pillai, was a Singaporean novelist writing in Malayalam under the nom de plume G.P. Njekkad, after his natal village in Kerala.