Viridiana Alatriste


Is Viridiana Alatriste Dead or Still Alive? Viridiana Alatriste Birthday and Date of Death

Viridiana Alatriste

Viridiana Alatriste Death

Viridiana passed away on October 25, 1982 at the age of 19 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico. Viridiana's cause of death was road accident.

Viridiana Alatriste death quick facts:
  • When did Viridiana Alatriste die?

    October 25, 1982
  • How did Viridiana Alatriste die? What was the cause of death?

    Road accident
  • How old was Viridiana Alatriste when died?

  • Where did Viridiana Alatriste die? What was the location of death?

    Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Viridiana Alatriste Birthday and Date of Death

Viridiana Alatriste was born on January 17, 1963 and died on October 25, 1982. Viridiana was 19 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 17, 1963
Date of Death: October 25, 1982
Age at Death: 19

Is Viridiana Alatriste's father, Gustavo Alatriste, dead or alive?

Viridiana Alatriste's father, Gustavo Alatriste, died on July 25, 2006 as he was 83 years old. His cause of death was pancreatic cancer.

Is Viridiana Alatriste's mother, Silvia Pinal, dead or alive?

Viridiana Alatriste's mother, Silvia Pinal, is still alive and kicking at the age of 92. She is Mexican and has had a career as an actress.

Viridiana Alatriste's sisters :

Viridiana has 2 sisters:
  • Viridiana Alatriste's sister, Silvia Pasquel, is still alive and kicking at the age of 74. She is Mexican and has had a career as an actress.

  • Viridiana Alatriste's sister, Alejandra Guzman, is still alive and kicking at the age of 56. She is Mexican and has had a career as a singer.

Viridiana Alatriste's brother :

  • Luis Enrique Guzman

Viridiana Alatriste - Biography

Viridiana Alatriste was a Mexican actress who was born on January 17, 1963. She was an actress, known for La seducción (1981), Mañana es primavera (1982) and La combi asesina (1982). She died on October 25, 1982 in Mexico City, Mexico.
Viridiana Alatriste Pinal was born on January 17, 1963, being the only daughter of the marriage between Silvia Pinal and Gustavo Alatriste. His name was put in honor of the famous film starring Silvia Pinal and directed by Luis Buñuel under the production of Gustavo Alatriste , Viridiana. She was younger sister of the actress Sylvia Pasquel and older sister of the singer Alejandra Guzmán. At the end of 1960, his father was married again with the actress Sonia Infante and from that idyll his brothers Pedro and Ángela Alatriste were born. His career began in 1976, with the staging Annie is a shot where he acted together with his mother.

Viridiana died at 19 years of age, on October 25, 1982 because of a car accident when she lost control of her Volkswagen Atlantic and fell into a ravine in Mexico City, after visiting her then boyfriend, the actor Jaime Garza. He left his participation in the telenovela Tomorrow is spring unfinished. He also participated in the play Tartufo or the imposter.