Walter Pidgeon


Is Walter Pidgeon Dead or Still Alive? Walter Pidgeon Birthday and Date of Death

Walter Pidgeon

Walter Pidgeon Death

Walter passed away on September 25, 1984 at the age of 87 in Santa Monica, California, USA. Walter's cause of death was stroke.

Walter Pidgeon death quick facts:
  • When did Walter Pidgeon die?

    September 25, 1984
  • How did Walter Pidgeon die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Walter Pidgeon when died?

  • Where did Walter Pidgeon die? What was the location of death?

    Santa Monica, California, USA

Walter Pidgeon Birthday and Date of Death

Walter Pidgeon was born on September 23, 1897 and died on September 25, 1984. Walter was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 23, 1897
Date of Death: September 25, 1984
Age at Death: 87

Is Walter Pidgeon's father, Caleb Burpee Pidgeon, dead or alive?

Caleb Burpee Pidgeon's information is not available now.

Is Walter Pidgeon's mother, Hannah Sanborn Pidgeon, dead or alive?

Hannah Sanborn Pidgeon's information is not available now.

Walter Pidgeon - Biography

Walter Davis Pidgeon was a Canadian American actor who starred in many films, including Mrs. Miniver, The Bad and the Beautiful, Forbidden Planet, Advise & Consent, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Funny Girl and Harry in Your Pocket.