Wan J. Kim


Is Wan J. Kim Dead or Still Alive? Wan J. Kim Birthday and Age

Wan J. Kim

How Old Is Wan J. Kim? Wan J. Kim Birthday

Wan J. Kim was born in 1968 and is 56 years old now.

Birthday: 1968
How Old - Age: 56

Wan J. Kim Death Fact Check

Wan is alive and kicking and is currently 56 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Wan J. Kim - Biography

Wan J. Kim (born 1968) is the former Assistant United States Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice, a position in which he served from November 9, 2005 to August 31, 2007. Born in Seoul, South Korea, Kim is the first immigrant to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and is the first Korean American ever to become an Assistant Attorney General. On August 23, 2007 Kim announced that he was leaving the agency for the private sector.