Winthrop Rutherfurd


Is Winthrop Rutherfurd Dead or Still Alive? Winthrop Rutherfurd Birthday and Date of Death

Winthrop Rutherfurd

Winthrop Rutherfurd Death

Winthrop passed away on March 19, 1944 at the age of 82 in Aiken,SC.

Winthrop Rutherfurd death quick facts:
  • When did Winthrop Rutherfurd die?

    March 19, 1944
  • How old was Winthrop Rutherfurd when died?

  • Where did Winthrop Rutherfurd die? What was the location of death?


Winthrop Rutherfurd Birthday and Date of Death

Winthrop Rutherfurd was born on February 4, 1862 and died on March 19, 1944. Winthrop was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 4, 1862
Date of Death: March 19, 1944
Age at Death: 82

Is Winthrop Rutherfurd's father, Lewis Morris Rutherfurd, dead or alive?

Lewis Morris Rutherfurd's information is not available now.

Is Winthrop Rutherfurd's mother, Margaret Chanler Stuyvesant, dead or alive?

Margaret Chanler Stuyvesant's information is not available now.

Winthrop Rutherfurd - Biography

Winthrop Rutherfurd was an American socialite from New York, best known for his romance with Consuelo Vanderbilt and his marriage to Lucy Mercer, mistress to American President Franklin D. Roosevelt.