Wladyslaw Starewicz


Is Wladyslaw Starewicz Dead or Still Alive? Wladyslaw Starewicz Birthday and Date of Death

Wladyslaw Starewicz

Wladyslaw Starewicz Death

Wladyslaw passed away on February 28, 1965 at the age of 82 in Fontenay-sous-Bois, France.

Wladyslaw Starewicz death quick facts:
  • When did Wladyslaw Starewicz die?

    February 28, 1965
  • How old was Wladyslaw Starewicz when died?

  • Where did Wladyslaw Starewicz die? What was the location of death?

    Fontenay-sous-Bois, France

Wladyslaw Starewicz Birthday and Date of Death

Wladyslaw Starewicz was born on August 6, 1882 and died on February 28, 1965. Wladyslaw was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 6, 1882
Date of Death: February 28, 1965
Age at Death: 82

Is Wladyslaw Starewicz's father, Aleksander Starewicz, dead or alive?

Aleksander Starewicz's information is not available now.

Wladyslaw Starewicz - Biography

Vladislav Starevich was a Russian, Lithuanian, Polish and French stop-motion animator notable as the author of the first puppet-animated film). He also used insects and other animals as protagonists of his films. (His name is variously transliterated into English as Starewicz, Starevitch, Starewich and Starewitch.)