Yosef Burg


Is Yosef Burg Dead or Still Alive? Yosef Burg Birthday and Date of Death

Yosef Burg

Yosef Burg Death

Yosef passed away on October 15, 1999 at the age of 90 in Jerusalem, Israel.

Yosef Burg death quick facts:
  • When did Yosef Burg die?

    October 15, 1999
  • How old was Yosef Burg when died?

  • Where did Yosef Burg die? What was the location of death?

    Jerusalem, Israel

Yosef Burg Birthday and Date of Death

Yosef Burg was born on January 31, 1909 and died on October 15, 1999. Yosef was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 31, 1909
Date of Death: October 15, 1999
Age at Death: 90

Yosef Burg - Biography

Shlomo Yosef Burg (Hebrew: שלמה יוסף בורג‎, 31 January 1909 - 15 October 1999) was a German-born Israeli politician. In 1949, he was elected to the first Knesset, and served in many ministerial positions for the next 40 years. He was one of the founders of the National Religious Party.