Zoë Lund


Is Zoë Lund Dead or Still Alive? Zoë Lund Birthday and Date of Death

Zoë Lund

Zoë Lund Death

Zoe passed away on April 16, 1999 at the age of 37 in Paris, France. Zoe's cause of death was heart failure due to extended cocaine use, which replaced her long-term heroin use after her move to paris in 1997.

Zoë Lund death quick facts:
  • When did Zoë Lund die?

    April 16, 1999
  • How did Zoë Lund die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart failure due to extended cocaine use, which replaced her long-term heroin use after her move to paris in 1997
  • How old was Zoë Lund when died?

  • Where did Zoë Lund die? What was the location of death?

    Paris, France

Zoë Lund Birthday and Date of Death

Zoë Lund was born on February 9, 1962 and died on April 16, 1999. Zoe was 37 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 9, 1962
Date of Death: April 16, 1999
Age at Death: 37

Zoë Lund's pets, dead or alive?

  • Ivory (Hamster)
  • Ben (Hamster)

Zoë Lund - Biography

Zoë Tamerlis Lund (February 9, 1962 – April 16, 1999), also known as Zoë Tamerlis and Zoë Tamerlaine, was an American musician, model, actress, author, producer, political activist and screenwriter. She was best known for her association in two films with film director Abel Ferrara: Ms. 45 (1981), in which she starred, and Bad Lieutenant (1992), for which she wrote the screenplay.