Augustus Waters


Is Augustus Waters Dead or Still Alive? Augustus Waters Birthday and Date of Death

Augustus Waters

Augustus Waters Death

Augustus passed away on July 2, 2011 at the age of 17 in United States. Augustus's cause of death was osteosarcoma.

Augustus Waters death quick facts:
  • When did Augustus Waters die?

    July 2, 2011
  • How did Augustus Waters die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Augustus Waters when died?

  • Where did Augustus Waters die? What was the location of death?

    United States

Augustus Waters Birthday and Date of Death

Augustus Waters was born on March 14, 1994 and died on July 2, 2011. Augustus was 17 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 14, 1994
Date of Death: July 2, 2011
Age at Death: 17

Is Augustus Waters's father, Mr. Waters, dead or alive?

Mr. Waters's information is not available now.

Is Augustus Waters's mother, Mrs. Waters, dead or alive?

Mrs. Waters's information is not available now.

Augustus Waters's sisters :

Augustus has 2 sisters:
  • Julie Waters
  • Martha Waters

Augustus Waters - Biography

Augustus "Gus" Waters was born on March 14, 1994 and is a main character and the male love interest in The Fault in Our Stars. He is the best friend of Isaac and Hazel Grace's boyfriend. As with his girlfriend, he suffers from cancer, specifically osteosarcoma. Augustus is described as being tall, very handsome, intelligent, having blue eyes and mahogany hair. He fears oblivion, as he wants to make a mark on the world. He hates the idea of not being able to leave a mark at all, due to his diagnosis of cancer and its later-on terminal attribute. Augustus knew Isaac before the Support Group, the single and sole reason he was there was because he wanted to support Isaac, before undergoing surgery.
Gus constantly symbolized the situations at hand. One example is his tendency to put an unlit cigarette in his mouth, something of a trademark of his: "It's a metaphor, see: you put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing".

Hazel describes Augustus having mahogany hair, bad posture and blue eyes. Augustus is described as well built- seeing as he used to play basketball. His right leg has been replaced with a prosthetic due to his osteosarcoma. Hazel's friend Kaitlyn comments on his appearance: “Oh, my God. I’ve seen him at parties. The things I would do to that boy. I mean, not now that I know you’re interested in him. But, oh, sweet holy Lord, I would ride that one-legged pony all the way around the corral.”