Abdullah the Butcher


Is Abdullah the Butcher Dead or Still Alive? Abdullah the Butcher Birthday and Age

Abdullah the Butcher

How Old Is Abdullah the Butcher? Abdullah the Butcher Birthday

Abdullah the Butcher was born on January 11, 1941 and is 83 years old now.

Birthday: January 11, 1941
How Old - Age: 83

Abdullah the Butcher Death Fact Check

Abdullah is alive and kicking and is currently 83 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Abdullah the Butcher's father, George Shreve, dead or alive?

George Shreve's information is not available now.

Is Abdullah the Butcher's mother, Martha Shreve, dead or alive?

Martha Shreve's information is not available now.

Abdullah the Butcher - Biography

Known throughout the annals of professional wrestling as "The Wildman from the Sudan," Abdullah the Butcher was born Lawrence Shreeve in Windsor, Ontario, on January 1, 1936. Wrestling at over 400 lbs through his career, Abby became a legend for bloodying opponents and was one of the first wrestlers to regularly use foreign objects in the ring on his opponents.
His weapon of choice later in his career was a fork. Abby was a master at the professional wrestling talent of "blading," intentionally cutting onesself or an opponent in the forehead and bleeding through the match. The Butcher spent most of his wrestling career travelling from promotion to promotion. His wrestling gimmick, though extremely popular, tended to wear itself out quickly, so like his contemporary Andre the Giant, he was seldom a fixture for long in any one place, but was always remembered wherever he went and his return eagerly anticipated.

Abby's wrestling character of the Wildman from Sudan was usually portrayed as an uncontrollable savage man who spoke no English, and he never gave interviews as himself but was interviewed through managers. This character probably accounted for his lack of appearances in films or other areas outside the pro wrestling world. Appearing as himself, a polite and well-spoken Canadian, would have done damage to his wrestling persona. Abdullah currently lives in the Atlanta, GA, area and operates a restaurant, Abdullah the Butcher's House of Ribs and Chinese Food. He still makes occasional guest appearances as a wrestler.
Shreve previously owned two restaurants (one in Atlanta, Georgia and one in Japan) called Abdullah the Butcher's House of Ribs and Chinese Food. Shreve was often on hand to meet fans and sign autographs. The restaurant and Shreve appear in the music video for the 2003 song "Damn!" by Atlanta hip hop group YoungBloodZ. It was referenced in the 2006 film ATL during a scene where three characters argue over a local barbecue. On July 24, 2016, it was reported that Shreve had closed his restaurant in Atlanta.