Adrian Cronauer


Is Adrian Cronauer Dead or Still Alive? Adrian Cronauer Birthday and Date of Death

Adrian Cronauer

Adrian Cronauer Death

Adrian passed away on July 18, 2018 at the age of 79 in Troutville, Virginia, United States.

Adrian Cronauer death quick facts:
  • When did Adrian Cronauer die?

    July 18, 2018
  • How old was Adrian Cronauer when died?

  • Where did Adrian Cronauer die? What was the location of death?

    Troutville, Virginia, United States

Adrian Cronauer Birthday and Date of Death

Adrian Cronauer was born on September 8, 1938 and died on July 18, 2018. Adrian was 79 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 8, 1938
Date of Death: July 18, 2018
Age at Death: 79

Adrian Cronauer - Biography

Adrian Cronauer (born September 8, 1938) is a former United States Air Force sergeant and radio personality whose experiences as an innovative disc jockey in Vietnam inspired the 1987 film Good Morning, Vietnam (starring Robin Williams as Cronauer).
Cronauer attended the University of Pittsburgh where he led a group that founded the school's first student radio station, now WPTS-FM. His subsequent media work included being the classical morning host at WVWR in Roanoke, Virginia (now Virginia Tech's WVTF), during which time he created the proposal that would culminate in Good Morning, Vietnam.

He earned a master's degree in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research in New York City and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Cronauer's law practice concentrated in information and communications law. Cronauer consented to disbarment in the District of Columbia in October 2014 for reportedly misleading consumers through misrepresentations and deceptive and fraudulent loan modification and foreclosure prevention practices. Later he worked as a special assistant to the director of the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office.
Cronauer was a member of Mensa and a "lifelong card-carrying Republican", having taken an "active role" in both Bob Dole's 1996 unsuccessful presidential campaign and George W. Bush's 2004 successful presidential reelection campaign.