Albert Boutwell


Is Albert Boutwell Dead or Still Alive? Albert Boutwell Birthday and Date of Death

Albert Boutwell

Albert Boutwell Death

Albert passed away on February 3, 1978 at the age of 73.

Albert Boutwell death quick facts:
  • When did Albert Boutwell die?

    February 3, 1978
  • How old was Albert Boutwell when died?


Albert Boutwell Birthday and Date of Death

Albert Boutwell was born on November 13, 1904 and died on February 3, 1978. Albert was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 13, 1904
Date of Death: February 3, 1978
Age at Death: 73

Albert Boutwell - Biography

Albert Burton Boutwell (November 13, 1904 – February 3, 1978) was the 19th Lieutenant Governor of Alabama. A Democrat, Boutwell served Governor John Malcolm Patterson of the same political party, from 1959-1963.