Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Dead or Still Alive? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Birthday and Date of Death

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Death

Aleksandr passed away on August 3, 2008 at the age of 89.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn death quick facts:
  • When did Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn die?

    August 3, 2008
  • How old was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn when died?


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Birthday and Date of Death

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was born on December 11, 1918 and died on August 3, 2008. Aleksandr was 89 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 11, 1918
Date of Death: August 3, 2008
Age at Death: 89

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Biography

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (/ˌsoʊlʒəˈniːtsɪn, ˌsɔːl-/; Russian: Алекса́ндр Иса́евич Солжени́цын, 11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008) (often Romanized to Alexandr or Alexander) was a Russian novelist, historian, and outspoken critic of the Soviet Union, especially its totalitarianism, who helped to raise global awareness of its gulag forced labor camp system. He was allowed to publish only one work in the Soviet Union, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962), in the periodical Novij Mir. After this he had to publish in the West, most notably Cancer Ward (1968), August 1914 (1971), and The Gulag Archipelago (1973). Solzhenitsyn was awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature "for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of Russian literature". Afraid to go to Stockholm to receive his award for fear that he wouldn't be allowed to reenter, he was expelled from the Soviet Union in 1974, but returned to Russia in 1994 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.