Alice Catherine Evans


Is Alice Catherine Evans Dead or Still Alive? Alice Catherine Evans Birthday and Date of Death

Alice Catherine Evans

Alice Catherine Evans Death

Alice passed away on September 5, 1975 at the age of 94.

Alice Catherine Evans death quick facts:
  • When did Alice Catherine Evans die?

    September 5, 1975
  • How old was Alice Catherine Evans when died?


Alice Catherine Evans Birthday and Date of Death

Alice Catherine Evans was born on January 29, 1881 and died on September 5, 1975. Alice was 94 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 29, 1881
Date of Death: September 5, 1975
Age at Death: 94

Alice Catherine Evans - Biography

Alice Catherine Evans (January 29, 1881 – September 5, 1975) was an American microbiologist. She became a researcher at the US Department of Agriculture. There she investigated bacteriology in milk and cheese. She later demonstrated that Bacillus abortus caused the disease Brucellosis (undulant fever or Malta fever) in both cattle and humans.