Alice Mary Hagen


Is Alice Mary Hagen Dead or Still Alive? Alice Mary Hagen Birthday and Date of Death

Alice Mary Hagen

Alice Mary Hagen Death

Alice passed away in 1972 at the age of 100 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Alice Mary Hagen death quick facts:
  • When did Alice Mary Hagen die?

  • How old was Alice Mary Hagen when died?

  • Where did Alice Mary Hagen die? What was the location of death?

    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Alice Mary Hagen Birthday and Date of Death

Alice Mary Hagen was born in 1872 and died in 1972. Alice was 100 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1872
Date of Death: 1972
Age at Death: 100

Alice Mary Hagen - Biography

Alice Mary Hagen (born Alice Mary Egan; 1872–1972) was a Canadian ceramic artist from Halifax, Nova Scotia. She was trained in china painting, and earned her living through selling painted chinaware and teaching. She was among the artists selected to paint plates for the 1897 Canadian Historical Dinner Service. She gained a high reputation for the quality of her work, for which she won various prizes. She married happily and had two daughters. She continued to paint china while raising her family in Canada and Jamaica. When she was about sixty and her husband had retired she learned to make pottery at her studio in Nova Scotia, and was a pioneer of studio pottery in the area. She continued to produce and sell painted pottery until she was aged 93. Many ceramic artists acknowledged their debt to Alice Hagen as a teacher and an example.