Élie Lescot


Is Élie Lescot Dead or Still Alive? Élie Lescot Birthday and Date of Death

Élie Lescot

Élie Lescot Death

Élie passed away on October 20, 1974 at the age of 90 in Laboule, France.

Élie Lescot death quick facts:
  • When did Élie Lescot die?

    October 20, 1974
  • How old was Élie Lescot when died?

  • Where did Élie Lescot die? What was the location of death?

    Laboule, France

Élie Lescot Birthday and Date of Death

Élie Lescot was born on December 9, 1883 and died on October 20, 1974. Élie was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 9, 1883
Date of Death: October 20, 1974
Age at Death: 90

Élie Lescot - Biography

Antoine Louis Léocardie Élie Lescot (December 9, 1883 – October 20, 1974) was the President of Haiti from May 15, 1941 to January 11, 1946. He was a member of the country's mixed-race elite. He used the political climate of World War II to sustain his power and ties to the United States, Haiti's powerful northern neighbor. His administration presided over a period of economic downturn and harsh political repression of dissidents.