Alison Seebohm


Is Alison Seebohm Dead or Still Alive? Alison Seebohm Birthday and Date of Death

Alison Seebohm

Alison Seebohm Death

Alison passed away in 2015 at the age of 75 in England, UK.

Alison Seebohm death quick facts:
  • When did Alison Seebohm die?

  • How old was Alison Seebohm when died?

  • Where did Alison Seebohm die? What was the location of death?

    England, UK

Alison Seebohm Birthday and Date of Death

Alison Seebohm was born on May 5, 1939 and died in 2015. Alison was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 5, 1939
Date of Death: 2015
Age at Death: 75

Alison Seebohm - Biography

Alison Seebohm was born on May 5, 1939 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England as Alison Patricia Seebohm. She was an actress, known for A Hard Day's Night (1964), The Avengers (1961) and Murder Most Foul (1964).
A Hard Day's Night is a 1964 British musical comedy film directed by Richard Lester and starring the Beatles—John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr—during the height of Beatlemania. It was written by Alun Owen and originally released by United Artists. The film portrays several days in the lives of the group.

She got married to Frank Cvitanovich on 18 April 1959 and then divorced. Frank Cvitanovich was a Canadian documentary film maker, who made much of his best work for British television. Alison was married to Ray Austin after Frank and had two children with him.