Aloysia Weber Death
Maria Aloysia passed away on June 8, 1839 at the age of 79.
Aloysia Weber death quick facts:
When did Aloysia Weber die?
June 8, 1839How old was Aloysia Weber when died?
Aloysia Weber Birthday and Date of Death
Aloysia Weber was born in 1760 and died on June 8, 1839. Maria Aloysia was 79 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1760
Date of Death: June 8, 1839
Age at Death: 79
Is Aloysia Weber's father, Fridolin Weber, dead or alive?
Fridolin Weber's information is not available now.
Is Aloysia Weber's mother, Cäcilia Weber, dead or alive?
Cäcilia Weber's information is not available now.
Aloysia Weber's sisters :
Maria Aloysia has 3 sisters:Aloysia Weber's sister, Josepha Weber, died on December 29, 1819 as he was 61 years old.
Aloysia Weber's sister, Constanze Weber, died on March 6, 1842 as he was 80 years old.
- Sophie Weber
Aloysia Weber - Biography
Maria Aloysia Antonia Weber Lange was a German soprano, remembered primarily for her association with the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.