Amita Webb


Is Amita Webb Dead or Still Alive? Amita Webb Birthday and Age

Amita Webb

Amita Webb Death Fact Check

Amita is alive and kicking.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Amita Webb - Biography

Exotic Amitia was born in Moscow Russia to a Jamaican father and a Guyanese Mother who met while they were attending University and got married. Amita has graced the pageant stage before and was awarded the titles of Most Congenial and Most Disciplined– Miss Teen Jamaica and was crowned 2nd runner up to the Miss Teen Jamaica Queen.Her aim is to be the best she can be. She view’s each day as a new challenge ready to be conquered. She wants to use her skills to further develop herself and others she meets along the way. Her motto which she lives her life by is that we are masters of our own destiny; she believes that life happenings are reactions to actions done.Like most persons who wish to motivate others and have a desire to give back to society she would like to share a moment with Oprah Winfry and exchange thoughts and ideas. In 5 years Amita would have completed her first degree in Economics and would be pursuing her Masters degree. Through this competition and personal development and maturity, she hopes to gain more confidence in herself and be totally comfortable with who she is. The pageant offers her the opportunity to meet new and interesting young ladies from various backgrounds and a chance to expose herself to new experiences.Her advice to young people is just be yourself – and that’s coming from her personal life experience of living in different cultures and interacting with individuals of other cultures who expected persons to all be the same . In Amita eyes she has learnt that sameness makes the world boring.