

Is Anastacia Dead or Still Alive? Anastacia Birthday and Age


How Old Is Anastacia? Anastacia Birthday

Anastacia was born on September 17, 1968 and is 56 years old now.

Birthday: September 17, 1968
How Old - Age: 56

Anastacia Death Fact Check

Anastacia is alive and kicking and is currently 56 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Anastacia's father, Robert Newkirk, dead or alive?

Robert Newkirk's information is not available now.

Is Anastacia's mother, Diane Hurley, dead or alive?

Diane Hurley's information is not available now.

Anastacia - Biography

Anastacia Lyn Newkirk is an American singer, songwriter and producer. Her debut record Not That Kind, released in 2000 was an international success, particularly in Europe as well as Australia, where the lead single "I'm Outta Love" became the biggest selling song of the year. Awarded as the 'World's Best-Selling New Female Pop Artist' in 2001, her commercial success continued with 2001's Freak of Nature. The album reached No. 1 in eight countries and included the international chart topper "Paid My Dues". After recovering from cancer, she returned with 2004's Anastacia which deviated from previous albums into pop-rock. The album peaked at No. 1 in 11 countries, became the second biggest selling album of the year in Europe and produced the "Left Outside Alone" that remained at No. 1 on the European Billboard chart for 15 weeks. In 2005, the multi-platinum compilation project Pieces of a Dream was released which spawned Anastacia's chart topping duet with Eros Ramazzotti, "I Belong to You". Anastacia established herself as one of the top selling international female pop-singers of the 2000s before taking a hiatus in late 2006. She has sold over 30 million albums. She has also topped the U.S. dance chart on two separate occasions.