Andrzej Precigs


Is Andrzej Precigs Dead or Still Alive? Andrzej Precigs Birthday and Age

Andrzej Precigs

How Old Is Andrzej Precigs? Andrzej Precigs Birthday

Andrzej Precigs was born on August 22, 1949 and is 75 years old now.

Birthday: August 22, 1949
How Old - Age: 75

Andrzej Precigs Death Fact Check

Andrzej is alive and kicking and is currently 75 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Andrzej Precigs - Biography

Andrzej Cezary Precigs (born 22 August 1949 in Warsaw) is a Polish theater, film and voice actor; dubbing director and local politician.In 1972 he graduated from the Acting Department at the National Film School in Łódź. In the same year he made his debut on the stage of the Ludwik Solski Theatre in Tarnów in "Toruń" by Stefan Żeromski, playing the role of Walek-Walenty. He performed in this theatre until 1974. Then he played in the Stefan Jaracz Theatre in Lodz (1974-1978), 77 Redut Theatre (1978-1980), the Polish Theatre in Warsaw (1981-1982), Targowek Theatre (1982-1987) and the New Theatre in Warsaw (1987-1996). His film debut came in 1971 in the form of a cameo role in the moral comedy 150 per hour. Then he began to perform for numerous television and cinema films. In later years he also became a dubbing director.In the Polish local elections in 2006, from the list of the Civic Platform (PO) he became a local councilor of Brwinów (later he ran unsuccessfully for mayor). In 2010 he was re-elected. He was also a member of the local authorities division of the PO.